Feature Ideas

  1. Add Giacom as a supported vendor integration

    Giacom is the leading digital platform for technology resellers and MSPs in the UK, offering a comprehensive range of Cloud, IT, Comms and Software services. They are just as important in the UK market as Pax8 (who are also now in the UK market but later than Giacom).

    Anonymous Eel


  2. DNSFilter Billing Integration

    Billing integration for DNSFilter

    Christopher Scaminaci
    #Integrations 🔗


  3. Bill Directly to Xero/QBO without HaloPSA

    Ability to bill charges directly to an accounting integration like Xero or QBO without needing HaloPSA to be the intermediary

    Christopher Scaminaci
    #Integrations 🔗#Features 👍


  4. Customize Recurring Lines and Verbiage

    Customize the layout of recurring invoice lines Customize whether charges are grouped or not and what the group header verbiage shows

    Christopher Scaminaci
    #Features 👍


  5. D&H Hardware Integration

    Hardware invoices

    Christopher Scaminaci
    #Integrations 🔗#Features 👍


  6. Also Marketplace

    Implement integration against Also Marketplace, similar to TD Synnex Cloud

    Anonymous Zorse
    #Integrations 🔗


  7. Universal CSV Import

    Ability to import a CSV containing a minimal set of fields, map it to the required fields for posting to HaloPSA invoices, and remember the mapping for the future.

    Christopher Scaminaci
    #Integrations 🔗


  8. Ability to set free or minimum units

    For example, we need to say X licence has 10 free units, or X licence is 10 units minimum to be billed at all times. This was previously achieved in the Halo quantity section when using licence or subscription as the counter.

    Anonymous Mongoose
    #Deal Breaker 💔


  9. SKU Information Tooltip/Subscription Popout to Pax8

    When hovering over a SKU in the product management area or ready for invoicing area, show a tooltip with additional information about that SKU from the Pax8 catalog. Clicking on the tooltip will pop out to the actual subscription for that SKU in Pax8 console

    Christopher Scaminaci


  10. Dicker Data Integration

    Here in NZ, we transact Microsoft licenses through Dicker Data. It would be great to see this as an integration.

    #Integrations 🔗


  11. AutoTask PSA Support

    Support for sending invoices and charges to AutoTask

    Christopher Scaminaci
    #Integrations 🔗


  12. ConnectWise PSA Support

    Support for sending charges to ConnectWise Manage

    Christopher Scaminaci
    #Integrations 🔗


  13. Wasabi Integration

    Billing Integration for Wasabi consumption charges

    Christopher Scaminaci
    #Integrations 🔗


  14. Authorize.net Integration

    Ability to monitor HaloPSA invoices and transact with Authorize.net via API to dispatch payment notifications and reminders to clients.

    Christopher Scaminaci
    #Integrations 🔗


  15. Sherweb Integration

    Sherweb Integration for subscription products

    Christopher Scaminaci
    #Integrations 🔗
